Currency Conversion Calculator
Currency Conversion

currency calculator is a front-end to the currency conversion utility on When you click or press "Calculate", the results will be returned via To perform another calculation, just press the Back button in your browser.
When you click on "Save", a cookie will be created to store the currencies chosen in the From and To fields. To erase the cookie, click on
Restore Default Settings.
Common Conversions
If you use this calculator frequently for a specific currency conversion, you can save the link in your favorites using the from and to arguments as in the example below (US Dollars to Euros).
Some of the common conversions are listed below. Select, press, or click the one you use most,
then add the page to your favorites.
Disclaimer: This currency calculator is a front-end to the currency conversion utility by, and the results are provided for information purposes only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the currency exchange rates used by this calculator.